
According to its tradition and experience, the school  educates in:




Education lasts 5 years  allowing you to adapt to the matura exam and continue your education at university.



If you are cultural, smiling and like to learn languages, choose the profession of hotelier.

It gives you the opportunity to contact the "big world". In your work you can meet presidents, real kings and queens, as well as favorite stars of music or sport. Everything is possible. Apart from work in hotel facilities such as hotel, motel, guesthouse you can work on campsite, youth hostels or so recently fashionable hostel. Hotel knowledge is useful everywhere. If you like traveling, you can swim on boarding ships or in the near future you will be able to take visitors to your hotel in orbit or in space.

This course of education prepares the graduate to perform professional tasks such as:

  • conducting promotional activities,
  • sales of hotel services,
  • booking hotel services,
  • guest service.



The most universal course of gastronomy education.

Provides lots of employment opportunities as:

  • a nutritionist,
  • the manager of the catering establishment,
  • manager,
  • nutrition technologist,
  • dietician,
  • occasional parties organizor,
  • catering organizer,
  • waiter,
  • sommelier (wine waiter),
  • cook,
  • authorizing officer in mass caterers,
  • as well as in the distribution of professional catering equipment or in wholesalers and large food markets.

Guaranteed satisfaction of work in the profession in your country and abroad. Culinary success is within reach of your possibilities!


Stanislaw Berger VOCATIONAL SCHOOL - LEVEL I nr 20

from 1st September 2017


Education lasts 3 years  and gives you the opportunity to gain a job and the opportunity to continue your education.



A good cook is an artist. The talent and creative inventiveness is not everything. At the root of success lies a solid knowledge of the gastronomy.

The cook cooks various types of dishes, cakes, drinks using  tools, machinery and equipment in catering establishments and businesses. The cook plans and organizes work in the kitchen.

A graduate can work in:

  • hotels,
  • restaurants,
  • many public feeding places -  ships, ferries, passenger trains, private homes.



If you are an imaginative person and you are clever, if you have manual skills - we invite you to learn the profession of confectioner!

The job of the confectioner is primarily to produce all kinds of cakes, cakes, pies, desserts, sweets, pastry, ice cream and decorative items, which, apart from the taste, should also have visual qualities.

While studying at school, the student should be prepared to perform the following professional tasks:

  • operat
  • ion of machinery and equipment used in the production of confectionery,
  • preparation of confectionery intermediates,
  • preparing ready-made confectionery,
  • decoration of confectionery.


Students practise their profession at reputable Warsaw HoReCo company.

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