School equipment


Modern education requires skills of using various means and tools which will improve learning and make it more attractive to learner. If technology has such a strong impact in our everyday life we can't forget about it in school. Multimedia, Internet, electronic aids often help us to conduct interesting and understandable lessons to young learners. Because of this, our school for a long time improves its modern means of teaching.
Each class in school is equipped in computer. Apart from specialist gastronomic and hotel industry equipement, school has got two IT classes with 20 and 12 computer stands. It is worth mentioning that majority of classes have got projectors and screens which enable to convey information not only in form of lecture, but also in form of film picture or music. Selected classes are equipped in visualizers, flipcharts and interactive whiteboards.


Polish, Culture Studies


During Polish classes, teachers use Internet sources to present movie clips as well as film reproductions for deeper discussion about their book equivalents. While using YouTube service, we are able to show interdisciplinary nature of art as well as artistic reference to texts of culture. In order to present literary issues, teachers use electronic teaching aids i.e. Multiteka and Multibook (electronic student's book, electronic base containing texts of culture).






 English, Vocational English, Extended English







34 Multimedia lab


 German, Vocational German



Religion Education



Geography, Extended Geography


Multimedia usage during geography classes:
1. Multimedia presentations, most often prepared by pupils.
2. Multimedia Student’s books which enable for cooperative analysis of texts with no need of taking regular books to school.
3. E-maps and economics data can be always up to date.
4. Interactive maps enable terrain analysis.
5. Multimedia computer programs.



History classes are more attractive with multimedia means of conveying information. During the lesson, pupils use maps and interactive charts. Pupils are able to see theoretical knowledge in form of multimedia presentation, film, animation or 3D models e.g. World War II weaponry. Furthermore, thanks to short film clips youth is acquainted with biographical entries of the most important historical characters and crucial events important for humanity and nations. The aim of multimedia lessons is to facilitate learning and interest the youth with a subject.




 Biology, Extended Biology, Safety Education


During Biology classes I use DVD movies concearning biological variety, national parks and genetics. I also use YouTube as a source of my movie materials. As part of additional work, pupils prepare to me multimedia presentations using Internet as a source of their Information.








Physics, Chemistry, Extended Chemistry, Nutrition Studies


Multimedia usage in chemistry and nutrition subjects
1. Pupils send their multimedia presentations and discuss them during the lesson.
2. Further usage of prepared presentations by me during continuous process of teaching.
3. Film clip and movie usage during the lesson.
4. Publishers support my work by variety of multimedia materials e.g. films with chemistry experiments etc.
5. During food menu preparation, pupils use nutrients tables directly from the Internet.
6. Using pictures and photos from the Internet to teach variety of tools and devices during WT lesson.



 Information technology, IT service workshop in the hotel


Our school has computer lab equipped with 20 computer work stations connected by local area network with the internet access. Besides that there is also laser and ink printer, loudspeakers, scanner, projector, camera with microphone,with the recording possibility, view live and flipchart. Each computer work station is equipped with webcam HD earphones with microphone and ergonomic mouse pads. All the computer work stations have enough space to enable the student to work in comfortable position while sitting in front of the computer.

While using the computer and projector, the teacher improves the quality of word transfer (films, photos) which makes it easier to understand different problems and topics. During the classes the teacher uses multimedia presentations, boards presenting construction of the central unit, laptop construction.



Economics, Social Studies


During social studies classes, a variety of motivational multimedia techniques of work are systematically used. The curriculum content is displayed and taught through usage of maps, schemes or interactive exercises. Pupils gain and broaden their knowledge thanks to multimedia presentations, photos and electronic documents. Pupils are able to listen to the content of the most important documents and can see movies presenting them subjects discussed on the lesson. The aim of multimedia lessons is to facilitate learning and interest youth with a subject.



 Hotelary Subjects


During the organization and working techniques in hotel industry lesson I often use multimedia equipment. I prepare interesting presentations and display them during the lesson using multimedia projector and computer. Thanks to that, pupils can gain and learn theoretical knowledge easier. I also often use visualizer. The language of tourism and hotel industry contains a number of foreign language entries which can be easier understood when shown on an example. I often use profession press showing e.g. interesting hotels with a use of visualizer. Multimedia equipment connected to the Internet network enables to virtually explore hotels, continuously update database in student’s workbooks since in field of hotel industry change is quick and has to be followed systematically.

In the hotel classroom there is a Mobile Cabinet with 15 laptops, which are used during classes: Work organization in hospitality and Organization of the reception work, as well as the Basics of hotel management. Students on laptops perform tests preparing for the exam, confirming vocational qualifications in profession of hospitality technician. Students also learn new objects that are created on the map of Poland, as well as take basic steps in using computer programs which are used in hotels. A simulation of real work is performed on the post of recetionist. Ms B. Juzaszek and Mr A. Butor are supervisors of the hotel classroom.



 Culinary Subjects




 Gastronomic subjects


During the gastronomic technology classes I often use multimedia equipment. It is the fact that not every dish, product or machine can be shown to pupils during the lesson. That is why using visualizer is so useful while presenting professional press, culinary books, dish production schemes, nutrients, recipes, spices etc. It is easy to use and its operation doesn’t take much time during the lesson. I also prepare interesting presentations and display them using multimedia projector which helps pupils to memorize and learn theoretical information quicker. The multimedia equipment has an Internet connection which is used for displaying short films e.g. food preparation procedure. During the lesson I can also display movies, which I collected throughout the years, and multimedia projector and speakers enable me to offer an interesting and attractive lesson.





 Consumer service


- Using computer software during the lesson
- Using the Internet for looking for current regulations and acts of education law
- Using the Internet as a source of usable materials: photos, mutlimedia presentations or lesson plans.



Physical Education



 Fitness room

Ladies` cloakroom

 Men`s cloakroom

School field




 School Library


  Nursing room



During all day duties practical knowledge of the subject "Work organization at the front desk" will be used. It involves receiving visitors in our school, communicating teachers, informing the Administrative Manager of the faults occuring at school and around it, promoting information to visitors about educational school offer.




 Ground floor

 First floor

 Second floor