
Safe accommodation - Dormitory

The dormitory is a coeducational place for secondary school pupils. The students can stay there during whole school year except for holiday breaks, winter and summer holidays.


Dormitory no 5

im. ppłk mgr inż. Grażyny Lipińskiej
3 Zagójska St, 04-160 Warszawa
tel. (0 22) 810-84-88


The recruitment for the new school year starts from 15th June and finishes on 20th August.  Applicants should bring the following documents to the dormitory office:

  • application form,
  • confirmation of being a student

Dormitory residents are provided with interesting educational programme and help in learning:

a) prevention programmes: Seven steps, Look from a different perspective, You are what you eat, The art of being assertive – saying NO,

b) courses: self – defence, autopresentation, interpersonal communication

c) trips: round Warsaw, to the theatre, art galleries museums …

The dormitory cooperates with social care centres helping to receive support for the dormitory residents.
The dormitory teachers stay in constant contact with students’ schools and their parents.